Date and time calculator 📅

Calculate time easily and quickly

Time calculations play an important role in planning, work, and everyday life. Sometimes you need to find out how much time has passed between two dates, or determine what date will be after adding or subtracting a certain number of days. The online date and time difference calculator will help you perform these calculations in seconds.

Difference between two dates

Time Duration Calculator


Calculate the amount of time between dates

📌 Enter the dates:

  • Start date: [select date]
  • End date: [date selection]

📊 Result: X years, Y months, Z days, A hours, B minutes.

Additional options:

☑ Display the result in days, weeks, or months.

☑ Take into account leap years.

☑ Determine whether to include weekends and holidays.

🔹 Use case: If you need to calculate how much time is left until an important event (such as a birthday, anniversary, or deadline), just enter the required dates and get an accurate estimate.

Add or subtract days, hours, and minutes

Number from the date


Days: 0

Hours: 0

Minutes: 0

Seconds: 0

Subtract or Add


This tool will help you determine the date if you need to add or subtract a certain number of days, hours, or minutes from a given moment.

📌 Enter the data:

  • Start date: [select date]
  • Select an operation: ➕ Add / ➖ Subtract
  • Number of days: [input field]
  • Number of hours: [input field]
  • Number of minutes: [input field]

📊 Result: The date and time received.

🔹 Use case: If you need to determine what the date will be in 100 days, or when an event will happen if you count back 72 hours, this tool will instantly make the calculation.

Calculator functions

🔹 Calculate the difference between two dates – enter the start and end date to find out the gap in years, months, days, hours, and minutes.

🔹 Add or subtract time – select a date and add or subtract a certain number of days, hours, or minutes.

🔹 F lexible options for presenting results – get the answer in different formats: days, months, weeks, hours, or minutes.

🔹 Automatic consideration of leap years and time zones – accurate calculations without errors.

🔹 S imple and convenient interface – enter your data and get an answer instantly!

Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

How does the calculator work?

Our calculator works on the principle of accurate subtraction and addition of calendar days, including:

✔ Taking into account leap years.

✔ Accounting for time zone differences (if necessary).

✔ Flexible presentation of results in different units of measurement.

✔ Instant calculations, without the need for manual counting.

Where can I use this calculator?

📅 Work and projects – define task deadlines, deadlines, and time left to complete a project.

🎉 Travel and event planning – calculate the dates of vacations, trips, holidays, and anniversaries.

📚 Training and education – define the duration of semesters, vacations, or the number of days before exams.

📈 Finance and business – analyze contracts, payment terms, periods between financial transactions.

Why choose our calculator?

Speed and accuracy – instant calculation without the need for manual counting.

Flexibility – choose the desired format for presenting the result.

Simple interface – understandable and convenient even for beginners.

Accessibility – it works on any device: smartphone, tablet, or computer.

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